
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who? Me? FORTY?

2009 is a big year for me. I will turn, ahem, 40. Yes, I'm getting to be what I once that was "old" but now try to see as "approaching my peak".

I've set several goals for myself before I turn 40, and have already been working on them to a certain degree. I had a whole slew of medical appointments this fall, just making sure all my systems are operational and healthy. Thankfully, they are. Like most moms of small children, this is something I really need to stay on top of. If something devastating were to happen to me, and it turned out to be something preventable had I caught it early enough, well, I can't even think of that.

I've spent the last three months really working on my emotional and mental health, trying to figure out what it is that is going to make me happy, and feel more fulfilled. It's hard to stake that time out for myself, but I feel myself getting there. Getting all these checkups - a physical, a mammogram, pap smear, bloodwork, etc, etc, has really gone a long way towards relieving some anxiety I've had about my future.

The next phase of my master plan begins in the New Year. I've been trying to exercise and cut back my eating habits, but I also don't want to bite off more than I can chew. The mental work I've been doing is hard work, and I don't want to abandon the whole project because I'm just overwhelmed. So, hopefully, come January, I'll be in a good place to really focus on my physical well being too. I've got myself a Wii Fit, and I've used it a little bit, but I hope to really get to using it daily in January.

I'm also revamping our schooling system. I need to spend more one on one time with both of the kids. This is WHY we're homeschooling, after all. Still working on those details, but I have a feeling a schedule is looming on our horizon...


Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Games We Play

Okay, I admit it, I'm a game addict. I've always been very good at games, very good at winning. Perhaps not always as good at being the winner as I should... but I digress.

The kids are turning into gamers too. Duncan has his Uno and his Jump Start Kindergarten. Bonnie has her Webkinz and now Pixie Hollow games. I'm a World of Warcraft addict, and the kids are just begging for their own accounts. Soon, soon, I keep saying. We love games.

I did an assessment of our Christmas loot last night and there are NO games at all in the whole stack. I have to fix this. I need a new Wii game, or a family board game, or something to that effect. Now that there are four of us who are actually getting good at playing games, it's time to open the door to the fun stuff! Woo-hoo! This was a good reason to have kids, if nothing else. So, Rob and I can play four player games. :)

Of course, speaking of the Christmas loot, I'm still in search of a Lich King model that won't break the bank. Crossing my fingers I can make my little boy's Christmas wish come true...
